1·We're going to help you ramp in, and you'll certainly be able to start course six and do just fine and still finish on target.
2·No dessert for me, thanks. It was as much as I could do to finish the main course.
—— 《牛津词典》
3·That is, like some of their course assignments, they come up with the idea, design it, implement it, and test it — everything, from start to finish, all by themselves, or with a few friends.
4·If we will take Him at His word, he will guide us through the course of life and bring us across the finish line safely.
5·Doing so begs for an injury or at best a rotten finish because you spent your energy too early in the course.
6·Of course, this seed is itself essentially a data structure that you can modify in each NEW-LEVEL-SEED and FINISH-ELEMENT handler — but at least it's local rather than global.
当然,这个seed自身本质上是一个数据结构,您可以在每个NEW - LEVEL - seed和FINISH - ELEMENT处理器中操作它们——但至少操作是本地的而非全局的。
7·You can dry them, of course - or use them to make fruit leather, which is a great way to finish up almost any surplus fruit.
8·Eighty percent of the troops who volunteer to begin the six-week training course fail to finish it.
9·yA Over yA of one. Minus yA of two, and I just want to, in some sense, finish up by making the obvious substitution, which is, of course these are mole fractions.
10·These units we call bars or measures and just to finish this off down here we would have three quarter notes of course, in this particular arrangement.